Festbier “Simplified”

About Oliver Schauf

Oliver Schauf is the Co-Founder of Doolally Craft Beers, one of the first microbreweries in India. He graduated from Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei, Berlin with a degree in Brewing Technology. Throughout time, Oliver had gained over 20+ years of brewing experience. He started off as an Apprentice Brewer and eventually became a Brew Master while working in several countries like Germany, Finland, France, Greenland and India.

American IPAs and Brut IPAs are some of the beer styles that are near and dear to him.

He first brewed a Festbier while he worked as the 2 nd Brewmaster at Teerenpeli, Lahit, Finland. His Festbier had evolved throughout the years and it is now brewed once a year at Doolally Craft Beers, Pune.

Oliver also looks after the brewing operations and manages all aspects of beer production for the company.

Social Media –
Instagram: @godoolally
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/godoolally
Website: https://doolally.in/

What is a Festbier?
The beer that’s served at the Oktoberfest is identified as a Festbier. Traditionally, Germans enjoyed Märzen during the Oktoberfest. It was first served during the Oktoberfest in 1872.

From 1990s, Golden Festbier was adopted as the standard festival beer. However, for the Oktoberfest season, some brewers continue to brew Märzen in the month of March and lager it over the summer and consume it for the Oktoberfest.

Dortmunder Export is a similar style with more hoppy/bitter taste than Märzen.

About Oktoberfest
It was October 12th, 1810 when Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese and Oktoberfest began as a mark of this celebration. Five days after the wedding, a large fest was held near Munich. This celebration included agricultural fair, performances from artists, horse races and of course a lot of beer drinking. Soon, this attracted a lot of tourists which helped them
learn about Bavaria and its people.

Click here for Doolally’s Festbier recipe kit
Click here for Doolally’s Munich Helles recipe kit

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